Tuesday, April 22, 2014

"Ethical dilemma" by Federico Quintana

One major challenge of ethical dilemma I faced at my campus regarding to sign language interpreter in classroom issues. Some of deaf students attend to an inclusion class that requires interpreter to be present in the class to provide a full communication access for the deaf students. When instructor gives the verbal lectures and the interpreter’s job is to facilitate and translate from verbal information into sign language information and the interpreter service was accommodated by IEP commission. Most of time, interpreters did not show up class on time, interpreters failed to call in sick and interpreters being pulled out of class for some reason- these issues had significant impact on deaf students’ quality of education, decline in academic performance and missing out the important information from instructor lectures. This obstacle brings a great educational barrier for the deaf students. It is very important to have an interpreter present in the class for deaf students because they deserved education opportunities as any other students. I had discussed this issue with my supervisors, campus principal and school district and we still have not solved this issue because there are not adequate qualified interpreters in our town. The budget is also an issue because they couldn’t open more interpreter positions in our school district.

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