Tuesday, April 22, 2014

(2012) "What do you feel would be the most difficult aspect of evaluating teacher and campus staff? How do you overcome that difficulty? What criteria do you feel is appropriate in evaluating teacher effectiveness, and how do you ensure fairness and objectivity during the evaluation process ?"

I believe that the most difficult aspect of evaluating teachers and staffs is personal conflict of interest because some of them may be associates close friends or even relatives. The aspect that I would keep in my mind in order to overcome that difficulty would be consider the evaluation process as a meant to provide feedback and an opportunity for improvement instead of looking it as a mean to intimidate or punish. In my experience as high school teacher the performance evaluations can be nerve racking, and for this very reason may not be a fair demonstration of the teacher’s performance. Therefore, as an administrator, every time I plan to evaluate a classroom teacher, I would inform him/her in ahead of time about the mandatory for performance evaluation. I would set up a meeting with the teacher few days prior to formal evaluation to discuss what to expect during the evaluation and what observer is seeking for in teaching performances. The meeting will benefit teachers because as he/she would be learning and will enhance his/her skills and self prepared, more confidence and do their best at the day of evaluation. This criterion is appropriate in evaluating teacher effectiveness, and ensuring fairness and objectivity during the evaluation process.

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